Clinics We Offer

Nursing Services
We have a team of seven nurses who are highly trained in a wide range of treatments and we run regular clinics as well as seasonal clinics, e.g. for influenza vaccination.
Please ring reception on 01865 515552 to make an appointment to see a nurse. You will be asked to give a reason for the appointment so that we are able to direct you to a nurse with specialist skills or to a particular clinic.
Our nurses' specialities include wound care, stitch removal, health promotion; including health checks, family planning, ECG clinics, cervical smears, travel immunisations, dietary and weight advice, disease monitoring; including hypertension, diabetes and asthma follow-up, contraceptive advice; including pill checks, cap fittings & checks and coil fittings & removal.

Minor Surgery
We hold minor surgery clinics every other month.
Appointments for these clinics should only be made after discussion with the doctor.

Well Baby Clinic
This is for children's vaccinations and eight week developmental assessments. The clinic is held every Tuesday between 1pm and 3pm.
Please note that from 1pm - 2pm is the nurse only clinic - this is an appointment only clinic. You will need to contact reception to make this appointment. If you need to see a doctor or are coming for 1st immunisations, you will need to attend from 2pm onward - this is a drop in service.

Antenatal and Postnatal Care
A midwife makes weekly visits to the practice and shares responsibility for antenatal and postnatal care with the doctors.